Marion-Perry County Library

202 Washington Street - Marion, AL 36756 - 334-683-6411


Marion's best location for information about local events, genealogy, local history and tourism!


Marion-Perry County Library, serving an area of 8,000 residents, has a collection of 15,200 books, with on-line access to over 46,790 E-Books, 7,900 audio books, 3,900 periodicals and over 700 videos.  The library also has over 960 DVDs available for checkout.  Internet terminals are available for use by the general public.

Hours of Opperation

Monday 9am-1pm        2pm-5pm
Tuesday 9am-1pm        2pm-5pm
Wednesday 9am-1pm        2pm-5pm
Thursday 9am-1pm        2pm-5pm
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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